Sunday, October 12, 2014

Do Athletes get Paid too Much? (Editorial)

72.3 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR, that is how much the NBA star LeBron James gets paid.72.3 is way more money than one person needs to live off. LeBron isn't even the number 1 paid athlete, number 1 is Floyd Mayweather with 105 MILLION. LeBron is making chump change to Floyd, LeBron isn't second ether, Cristiano Ronaldo is making 80 MILLION. LeBron is third on the list of highest paid athletes, so this brings up the question, do athletes get paid too much?
What do we pay athletes to do? We simply pay them to entertain us, because without the fans buying tickets the athletes would be nothing. This is why many athletes are kind to their fans because they know that fans are basically sighing their checks every year. 105, 80, and 72.3 million is way more than a human needs to live comfortably, being an athlete isn't even the hardest job to do. The athletes could do the same job for a little less pay, I'm saying this through the eyes of a non athlete, If you ask one of these millionaires if they need all this money I'm sure they will find a reason to keep their pay in the millions. Who would blame them, if I was getting paid millions and someone wanted to take it away I would find at least 1000 excuses to keep the pay. What makes being an athlete better than a surgeon, or pilot? A job witch lives are at risk, wouldn't we want them to be paid good because for the time we are with them they have our lives in their hands. I would want them to be happy with their pay and not depressed because someone who plays a sports makes their job look like its for kids.
Athletes do have to spend a lot of time on the road and not with their family. Players are on the road for more than half of their games, spending a lot of time away from kids, wife and family in general I would want to get paid allot. Athletes also don't get paid on the off season, what happens when your season isn't in and your just hanging out? Think about it like getting fired from your job for 5 mounts, you are going to need some money to keep you from going homeless. Also lots of training is involved in staying in shape and staying ahead of the competition, in the NBA, NFL, NHL, etc those athletes are always training hard to stay ahead of the pack. Another reason why to pay them the big bills, If you ask a random person on the street to go travel the world, train like there is no tomorrow, and even in the time your not playing you have to work all for a little over 50 million a year, you think that person would say yes?
I believe that they get paid just enough, not all athletes get paid millions, there is lots of athletes that get paid in the lower thousands. The higher paid athletes get paid that much not only because they play a sport, but because of other endorsements, LeBron's jersey is one of the most popular jerseys in sports history.  Athletes could also get endorsements from Nike or Adidas to advertise there product, you can't get mad at someone for making lots of money because of their job and outside sources. If LeBron was not as popular and he was making the same amount, there would be a problem, but again LeBron is one of the more popular known superstar.
A solution that both sides would agree on is, lower the pay but enough to accommodate all the missing time they have from their family. Time that the athletes are away is time that they can't watch their kids grow up. For the people who think they get payed too much, there not anymore so you can't use that argument anymore. People are always going to have a problem with how much an athlete gets paid, some people say that playing a sport is easy and overlook the tough side to being an athlete.  But if we keep the pay at a couple million then they can't really be mad at any athlete, even if you include endorsements an athlete would still only make 15-20 million a year. That is still way more enough for a family to live off of, even tho the players might be mad at the pay decrease, they will get over it because they should realize that you can't be mad when you are earning 20 million.
Do athletes get paid too much? No because us as the public know how much they make but that's only with endorsements included, you take all the money away from a athlete he will not want to play the sports again because he can't support his family anymore.  To keep both sides happy you would have to keep the pay in the millions, but have it in the low millions. No one needs to be paid high in the millions for the fans entertainment.

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