Sunday, October 12, 2014

NBA Lockout (Editorial Cartoon)

The cartoon was from the NBA players lock-out when the players thought they were getting paid less than they should from the owners. The players decided to do a lock-out and start the season until they get the pay they think they deserve.  A player is leaning out his window telling what seems to be a news reporter that if the owners don't pay them more money, he is going to have to fire his chauffeur.  They are trying to say that NBA players already get paid lots of money and are making them seem selfish to demand more money because he needs his chauffeur to drive him around rather him having to drive himself. The cartoon jokes about the players and selfish they sound demanding more money on top of the money they already have.
   I think the cartoon is effective, it really opens the eyes of the public to see how much money the
NBA players actually make,  and it makes people open their eyes to see how much money NBA players need to play.  It also is noneffective in some ways, for NBA fans who wants to see all 80 games in a season, this cartoon might make them mad, they could argue that the owners have the money to pay the player what they want. They might switch the blame onto the owners and say that they are being hard to deal with.  They might bring in the fact that players have a faimly to look after and they need the money to pay for the houses they bought. They could argue the fact that playing basketball is their job, and if they feel that they need more money to play it is their right to demand it.

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